Results for 'Esper Abrão Cavalheiro'

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  1.  57
    Embodiment of a virtual prosthesis through training using an EMG-based human-machine interface: Case series.Karina Aparecida Rodrigues, João Vitor da Silva Moreira, Daniel José Lins Leal Pinheiro, Rodrigo Lantyer Marques Dantas, Thaís Cardoso Santos, João Luiz Vieira Nepomuceno, Maria Angélica Ratier Jajah Nogueira, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro & Jean Faber - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:870103.
    Therapeutic strategies capable of inducing and enhancing prosthesis embodiment are a key point for better adaptation to and acceptance of prosthetic limbs. In this study, we developed a training protocol using an EMG-based human-machine interface that was applied in the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase of people with amputation. This is a case series with the objective of evaluating the induction and enhancement of the embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. Six men and a woman with unilateral transfemoral traumatic amputation without previous use (...)
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    O psicólogo escolar: da depressão à saúde mental e à cidadania da criança.Carlos Marcelo Cavalheiro Félix - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    O presente artigo se debruça sobre a temática da Psicologia e a Educação. O recorte do tema reflete a necessidade da ação da psicologia no ambiente escolar. O estudo se constitui uma breve análise quanto aos enfrentamentos à saúde mental dos estudantes na etapa da infância. De cunho qualitativo e de natureza básica, este é excerto de pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando-se de referências que conversam com a temática abordada. Busca-se entender: De que modo o psicólogo escolar pode auxiliar as crianças que (...)
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    Teologia dogmática e experiência espiritual cristã: Repensando a relação com H.U. von Balthasar.Maria Abrão - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):1039-1063.
    In proposing this reflection about the relationship between dogmatic theology and Christian spiritual experience, we want to demonstrate in this article how a great 20 th century theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, invites the reader to enter into the reading and understanding of the historical and theological reasons that have guided some options and postures assumed, as well as to recognize the impacts caused both in the theology and in the spiritual experience and yet, more widely, in Christianity and its (...)
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    Testamento de uma geração.Edgard Cavalheiro - 1944 - Pôrto Alegre,: Livraria do Globo.
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    La nouvelle réparation des conséquences des risques sanitaires.Claudine Esper - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (55):3-9.
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    ABRALIN em cena Amazonas: estudos linguísticos e literários.Juciane Cavalheiro (ed.) - 2014 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Oficina Raquel.
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    O eu e o outro na enunciação de Jorge Luis Borges.Juciane dos Santos Cavalheiro - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (1):75-86.
    RESUMOO presente estudo aborda a questão da heterogeneidade decorrente do desdobramento do eu, tal como compreendido por Bakhtin mediante a ideia de autoconsciência, aquela que gera sempre um outro para garantir sua própria subjetividade, através do contato com possíveis alteridades: outros gerados como alteridade a partir do mesmo. De acordo com o conjunto ternário e trinitário, teorizado por Benveniste e analisado por Dufour, nossa análise circunscreve-se à abordagem de três contos de Jorge Luis Borges, a saber: O outro, 25 de (...)
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  8. On selected issues and challenges in dendroclimatology.Jan Esper, David C. Frank & Jurg Luterbacher - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh, A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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    Standards, options et recommandations et responsabilités.Claudine Esper, Béatrice Fervers & Thierry Philip - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (45):13-20.
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    Engaging Stakeholders During Intergovernmental Conflict: How Political Attributions Shape Stakeholder Engagement.Susana C. Esper, Luciano Barin-Cruz & Jean-Pascal Gond - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (1):1-27.
    When conflicts regarding industrial operations erupt between countries, relationships between corporations and stakeholders may be affected. We combine insights from stakeholder theory and studies on government and corporate social responsibility to investigate how intergovernmental politics shapes stakeholder engagement. Relying on attribution theory and a qualitative analysis of the Finnish Metsä-Botnia (hereafter Botnia) company during the intergovernmental conflict between Uruguay and Argentina, we explore the mediating role of political attributions—defined as the stakeholder network actors’ inferences regarding governmental motives—in the process by (...)
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  11. Seine letzte stunde. Von Erich Esper (neustadt ad saale). Der greise philosoph stand am fenster seines arbeits-zimmers und blickte mit seinen noch immer scharfen augen.Erich Esper Neustadt Ad Saale - 1927 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 14.
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    A contribution to the experimental study of analogy.Erwin A. Esper - 1918 - Psychological Review 25 (6):468-487.
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    Polytactic manual movement apparatus.Erwin A. Esper - 1933 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16 (1):161.
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    Les conséquences de la loi du 10 Juillet 2000 sur la responsabilité médicale des acteurs de santé.Claudine Esper - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (53):6-10.
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    En génétique, quelques propos sur l'information médicale à caractère familial☆.Claudine Bergoignan Esper - 2007 - Médecine et Droit 2007 (84):80-82.
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    The bradyscope: an apparatus for the automatic presentation of visual stimuli at a constant slow rate.Erwin A. Esper - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (1):56.
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  17. Avaliação Institucional Participativa e sua Gramática.Denise Balarine Cavalheiro Leite - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Música e romantismo.J. Cavalheiro Lima - 1972 - Pôrto Alegre: Livraria Sulina Editôra.
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    Review of Becoming Biosubjects: Bodies, Systems, Technologies. [REVIEW]Audrey L'Espérance - 2012 - Studies in Social Justice 6 (1):147-149.
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    Modernização, democracia e caráter nacional da educação em Minas Gerais, pela análise da Revista do Ensino. 1925 a 1929.Vera Lúcia Abrão Borges - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 16 (31):111-134.
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    Da proteção à instrução: Mobilizações prático-discursivas em torno da inf'ncia nos debates sobre gênero E sexualidade na educação.Amana Rocha Mattos & Rafael Cavalheiro - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-20.
    This article discusses how some childhood senses have been triggered in the confrontations about the legitimacy of gender and sexuality themes in education, considering the contemporary scenario in the country. For this, we aim to analyze two practical-discursive pitfalls that have been consolidated. The first, forged by the actors of the anti-gender offensive, consists of the narrative construction of vulnerable children, to be protected, and triggers moral panic against discussions about gender and sexuality in schools. The second, more subtle trap, (...)
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  22.  41
    Crônicas de Milton Hatoum: dialogismo e emancipação na pósmodernidade.David Costa de Souza, Juciane dos Santos Cavalheiro & Márcio Leonel Farias Reis Páscoa - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (3):60-82.
    RESUMO O presente estudo analisa a narrativa de Milton Hatoum utilizando como corpus as crônicas “Um sonhador” e “Margens secas da cidade”. Objetiva problematizar as características discursivas e estéticas da criação literária de Hatoum, a partir da perspectiva dialógica proposta por Mikhail Bakhtin, explorando, no discurso artístico-literário do escritor amazonense, as posições axiológicas refratadas em sua narrativa. Relaciona ainda a perspectiva epistemológica de Boaventura Santos acerca do desperdício da experiência social na modernidade/pós-modernidade, discutindo a crítica ao paradigma da racionalidade atual (...)
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    The Distributive Politics of Environmental Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean, by Isabella Alcañiz and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 76 pp. [REVIEW]Susana Esper - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (2):398-400.
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    DURKHEIM, Émile. Sociologia, Educação e Moral. Porto: Res- Editora, 1984, 398 pp. [REVIEW]Vera Lúcia Abrão Borges - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 11 (21/22):299-303.
    Marcando o pensamento europeu do séc. XIX e atual, Émile Durkheim (1858-1917), um dos fundadores da Sociologia, fundador e diretor da Revista L'Année Sociologique, está na base da História Social praticada na França - como, por exemplo, em Roger Chartier e em Pierre Bourdieu. É o teórico mais acabado do positivismo e do capitalismo em sua fase imperial, escrevendo uma obra vastíssima, que vai da História e da Filosofia à Educação e à Sociologia, merecendo destaque: A Divisão do Trabalho Social (...)
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  25.  13
    Reflexões Sobre a Pedagogia Franciscana e a Formação de Educadores.Adriana Dal Molin, Carla Camargo da Fonseca, Éderson Perera Coitinho, Gilvanete de Castro de Soares, Letícia Cavalheiro Borges & Maria Helena Rodrigues de Figueirôa - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):85-91.
    The formative experiences carried out throughout the Franciscan Itinerary reveal that reflection on Franciscan Pedagogy and the respective role of educators in Franciscan institutions must be constant and in dialogue with practice, aiming for actions that characterize education based on principles, values, and attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary to know and delve into the life of Saint Francis of Assisi beyond the knowledge of Franciscan humanism, so that its values are intertwined with personal values, becoming foundations for pedagogical practice.
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    Reseña de "Avaliação Neuropsicológica" de Artmed. Malloy-Diniz, L., Fuentes, D., Mattos, P., Abreu, N. e cols.Ana Lúcia Fedalto & Amer Cavalheiro Hamdan - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 33:177-178.
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  27. Therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people in light of human rights.Larissa Luise Ferreira Florêncio, Karla Romana de Souza, Elizandra Cassia da Silva Oliveira, Juliana da Rocha Cabral, Felicialle Pereira da Silva, Raphael Alves da Silva, Iracema da Silva Frazão, Regina Célia de Oliveira & Fátima Maria da Silva Abrão - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):704-713.
    Background: The therapeutic itinerary is not limited to the identification and availability of health services offered, but relates to the different individual searches and sociocultural and economic possibilities of each patient. In this study, we discuss the therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people seeking healthcare, from the user’s perspective. Objective: The aim of this study was to discuss the therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people seeking healthcare, from the user’s perspective. Design and participants: Individual interviews were performed with 10 transsexuals at the (...)
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    What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?Claudia Calderon Ramirez, Yanick Farmer, Andrea Frolic, Gina Bravo, Nathalie Orr Gaucher, Antoine Payot, Lucie Opatrny, Diane Poirier, Joseph Dahine, Audrey L’Espérance, James Downar, Peter Tanuseputro, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Vincent Dumez, Annie Descôteaux, Clara Dallaire, Karell Laporte & Marie-Eve Bouthillier - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background The prioritization protocols for accessing adult critical care in the extreme pandemic context contain tiebreaker criteria to facilitate decision-making in the allocation of resources between patients with a similar survival prognosis. Besides being controversial, little is known about the public acceptability of these tiebreakers. In order to better understand the public opinion, Quebec and Ontario’s protocols were presented to the public in a democratic deliberation during the summer of 2022. Objectives (1) To explore the perspectives of Quebec and Ontario (...)
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    Ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for scarce radiotherapy resources.Cyprien Shyirambere, Vincent K. Cubaka, Scott A. Triedman, Lawrence N. Shulman, Katherine Van Loon, Nicaise Nsabimana, Jean Bosco Bigirimana, Grace Umutesi, Cam Nguyen, Espérance Mutoniwase, Anita Ho & Rebecca J. DeBoer - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundRadiotherapy is an essential component of cancer treatment, yet many countries do not have adequate capacity to serve all patients who would benefit from it. Allocation systems are needed to guide patient prioritization for radiotherapy in resource-limited contexts. These systems should be informed by allocation principles deemed relevant to stakeholders. This study explores the ethical dilemmas and views of decision-makers engaged in real-world prioritization of scarce radiotherapy resources at a cancer center in Rwanda in order to identify relevant principles.MethodsSemi-structured interviews (...)
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    Procedural fairness for radiotherapy priority setting in a low resource context.Rebecca J. DeBoer, Cam Nguyen, Espérance Mutoniwase, Anita Ho, Grace Umutesi, Jean Bosco Bigirimana, Scott A. Triedman & Cyprien Shyirambere - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (5):500-510.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 500-510, June 2022.
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    Évaluation de la loi huriet-sérusclat en chirurgie.Rémi Brajeul, Jacquemine Péguet-Ménard, Claudine Esper, Isabelle Lucas-Baloup, Irène Frachon, Marie-Hélène Lallier & Joseph Colin - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (57):4-8.
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  32. The esperable uberty of quantum chromodynamics.Steven French - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (1):87-105.
    Within the philosophy of science there has been a great deal of rather vague talk about the 'heuristic fruitfulness' (or what Peirce called the 'esperable uberty') of theories. It is my aim in the present paper to add some precision to these discussions by linking this 'fruitfulness' to the satisfaction of certain heuristic criteria. In this manner the demarcation between 'discovery' and 'pursuit' becomes blurred. As a case study, I present the competition between the paraparticle and colour models of quarks (...)
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    Quelle espérance pour la création abusée?Emmanuel Durand - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 106 (2):289-304.
    La création physique peut-elle être sujet d’espérance? Quelle est l’aspiration de la création matérielle et que signifie-t-elle pour les croyants? Écouter le cri de la Terre et le « gémissement de la création » dévoile nos péchés systémiques contre elles. En prenant appui sur la Lettre aux Romains, il est toutefois possible d’entendre aujourd’hui la plainte de la création, pas tant comme une accusation que comme un Évangile ; à savoir une heureuse annonce et un appel à la conversion. La (...)
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    Une espérance post-critique? Enjeux critiques de la conception ricœurienne de l'imaginaire social.Peggy Avez - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (2):23-34.
    Résumé La fondation anthropologique de la fonction critique – socialement endossée par l’imaginaire utopique – et son lien dynamique avec la tâche intégrative de l’idéologie permettent à Ricœur de repenser sur le plan socio-politique la double nécessité du soupçon et de l’espérance. En reliant l’analyse de la structure contradictoire et analogisante de l’imaginaire social aux perspectives antérieurement développées sur “la liberté selon l’espérance,” notre propos vise à expliciter ses enjeux émancipateurs. Les apories auxquelles les médiations symboliques contraignent l’agir doivent nourrir (...)
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    Résurrection. Espérance humaine et don de Dieu.Paul Hitz - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (2):197.
  36.  18
    Abrão e Isaac: Os sacrifícios do presente e os benefícios do futuro - Sobre o conceito de Temor em Kierkegaard e Hans Jonas.Jelson Roberto de Oliveira & Lucas Piccinin Lazaretti - 2017 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 7 (14):212.
    Pretende-se nesse ensaio, analisar o conceito de temor a partir da perspectiva de Søren Kierkegaard e Hans Jonas, não necessariamente para estabelecer parâmetros interpretativos, mas para fomentar uma leitura a partir do episódio bíblico do sacrifício de Isaac por seu pai Abraão, neste texto interpretado a partir da heurística do temor, um conceito central da ética da responsabilidade proposta por Jonas como uma ética do futuro. Para tanto, analisaremos o temor como pathos existencial na filosofia kierkegaardiana, para destacar o aspecto (...)
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  37. L'espérance, de l'Ancien au Nouveau Testament: Paramètres pour la recherche.Françoise Mies - 2010 - Gregorianum 91 (4):705-724.
    Cet article, au titre de prolégomènes à toute recherche future, entend relever quelques paramètres de la recherche sur l'espérance dans toute la Bible, en la reconduisant à la condition anthropologique de l'humain. Parmi ces paramètres, sont retenus en particulier: la conception du temps supposée par l'espérance, l'espérance comme intentionnalité et comme objet ou terme de cette intentionnalité, l'espérance comme articulation entre temporalité et altérité, l'espérance vue au temps de son élan et au temps de sa vérification, la distinction entre espérance (...)
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    Espérance et philosophie pratique de l'histoire: sur la méthode du «Principe Espérance» de Ernst Bloch.Gérard Raulet - 1994 - Actuel Marx 15:171-181.
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    Espérance et individu chez Ernst Bloch.Jörg Disse - 1995 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 127:217-233.
    Occidental philosophy tends to subordinate the individual to the general. The mystical marxism of Ernst Bloch seems to value the individual more than does orthodox marxism. This article shows that after all Bloch falls in line with the tendency of occidental philosophy.
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    Esperance et divinité selon Maria Zambrano.Alain Guy - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 5:707-710.
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    L'Espérance/Hope.Charles Péguy - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (1/2):38-55.
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  42. L'espérance de la Philosophie unique.André Robinet - 1959 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 53:275.
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    L'esperance et l'immortalité: étude sur l'ontologie intersubjective chez Gabriel Marcel. Kipoy-Pombo - 1999 - Roma: Urbaniana University Press.
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  44. Pour une philosophie qui espère: L'acte philosophique ouvert aux données révélées.Bernard N. Schumacher - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 80 (1):57-72.
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  45. L'espérance au-dessus de l'angoisse des hommes.Paul Voivenel - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (1):120-121.
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    Alguns pensamentos sobre a leitura e os estudos destinados ao uso de um cavalheiro.Rodrigo Jungmann de Castro - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 42.
    Escrito em 1703, no ano anterior à morte de John Locke, este breve ensaio nos fornece uma visão das concepções pedagógicas maduras de Locke, que de certa forma complementam aquilo que podemos depreender da leitura dos seus “Alguns Pensamentos sobre a Educação”, obra datada de 1693. Estritamente ancorado nas concepções empiristas de Locke, este último tratado se ocupa da educação da criança e de sua relação com os pais ou, alternativamente, os preceptores. O texto que o leitor tem em mãos, (...)
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  47. Duo de femmes en espèrance: Médiations transatlantiques.Ronnie Scharfman & Anne-Catherine Benchelah - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:215-226.
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  48. Prouver Dieu et espérer en lui.P. Gilbert - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118 (5):690-708.
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  49. Horreur et... espérance?Marc Luyckx Ghisi - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 104:199-201.
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    EN COLLABORATION, Savoir, faire, espérer : les limites de la raison, 2 tomes.René-Michel Roberge - 1977 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 33 (3):317-320.
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